14-page zine, seed packs, and participatory project (with Window Winnipeg, 2023)
IT’S ALL ABOUT LETTUCE was initially made in 2022 while in residence as part of SNAP’s In Community Artist Residency .
More on the first iteration of this project is here.
Across the winter of 2023, 21 individuals from across the prairies are joining me in growing lettuce indoors as we think through a number of issues and concepts related to: food security, climate change, slowness, and taking care. The underlying structures of our global food system have become rapidly visible across the past few years as the impacts of pandemic, wars, and climate change shift the ways we access common food sources. Lettuce is an ideal food to grow and consider the wider reaching impacts of food supply chains as it is a great indicator crop of many of the inherent issues within the system itself (consider the hundreds of acres of lettuce plowed under at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic; or the intense flooding in Salinas Valley California this winter, from where Canada imports the majority of its lettuce; or the numerous reports of the rapidly increasing price of lettuce over the past three years). Together this group of lettuce growers will spend time imagining alternative strategies of approach.