notes to self
an ongoing project. notes to self.
Notes to Self is an ongoing series of videos documenting a simple, repetitive act as a way to mimic our fleeting engagement with social media status updates. Fragments of text, in the form of notes to myself, are set on fire with varying degrees of success. Unlike social media updates, the fate of these updates is controlled and finite, existing only for a few seconds before being completely destroyed. The notes, which range from humourous reminders and revelations to recollections about larger societal events, are simple in both form and execution, allowing for a critical and considered viewing response.
these are truly some dark times [November 10, 2019]
i'm pissed. basically, all of the time [November 10, 2019]
the blatant grift of it all [November 5, 2019]
really tired [November 5, 2019]
hexes on the patriarchy [November 5, 2019]
everything is terrible [November 5, 2019]
the never ending extraction. [august 11, 2019]
the marks on the land might never entirely be visible [august 11, 2019]
the divide between this side and the other side [august 11, 2019]
i don't think this can last [august 11, 2019]
i don't understand how they consider land to be so moveable [august 11, 2019]
the parts of the city we can never see [august 11, 2019]
look to the trees, they know where the water is. [august 11, 2019]
when water moves back in [august11, 2019]
we’re not participants, we’re lab rats [july 14, 2019]
2019 is wild [july 14, 2019]
everything about this is a scam [july 14, 2019]
what the actual fuck [july 14, 2019]
this election really just shows how a lot of people don’t care about people at all [April 22, 2019]
the motive of the algorithm is still unclear [April 22. 2019]
there is no winning in any of this [April 22, 2019]
human beings are so terribly disapointing [April 22, 2019]
none of this is ok [December 28, 2018]
eventually it's later [December 28, 2018]
i'm pretty sure listening to muzak shortens your life [December 28, 2018]
progress isn't always convenient [December 28, 2018]
so many forgotten passwords [December 28, 2018]
twitter you're bringing me down [October 13, 2018]
we really are the worst species [October 13, 2018]
what a world [October 13, 2018]
what the fuck is even happening right now [August 18, 2017]
fuck all that noise [August 18, 2017]
silence = violence [August 18, 2017]
"our democracy has been hacked" [August 18, 2017]
language matters [August 18, 2017]
#noconfederate [August 18, 2017]
the world is fear [August 3, 2016]
"capitalism is not much in the way of principles" [August 3, 2016]
heavy times [July 7, 2016]
#fearwins [July 7, 2016]
the NRA won again [July 7, 2016]
#injustice [July 7, 2016]
it is likely that this email is being spied on [July 7, 2016]
the world’s population is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050 [May 11, 2016]
reality has a known liberal bias [May 11, 2016]
never regrets [May 11, 2016]
we are born into institutions [March 11, 2016]
an experiment in progress [March 11, 2016]
gentrification as policy [February 10, 2016]
fucking man art bullshit [February 10, 2016]
in the end bueracracy will kill us all [January 28, 2016]
delayed due to climate change [January 28, 2016]
track the trackers [January 28, 2016]
capitalism kills [January 28, 2016]
my algorithms are all fucked up [August 31, 2015]
things that are other things and also themselves [August 25, 2015]
death by hashtag [March 31, 2015]
the forgotten #torturereport [January 27, 2015]
top ten things that prove the best ten top things. [January 25, 2015]
"nobody wins, it's just about who loses more slowly" [January 25, 2015]
the reality of the situation [January 16, 2015]
George Bush – United Nations International Day in Support of Victims if Torture, 2003 (video 4 of 4) [January 16, 2015]
George Bush – United Nations International Day in Support of Victims if Torture, 2003 (video 3 of 4) [January 16, 2015]
George Bush – United Nations International Day in Support of Victims if Torture, 2003 (video 2 of 4) [January 16, 2015]
George Bush – United Nations International Day in Support of Victims if Torture, 2003 (video 1 of 4) [January 16, 2015]
remembering when the internet was ad free [December 2, 2014]
it's all like a bad surreal fucking dark comedic tragedy [November 28, 2014]
#policestate [November 28, 2014]
no such thing as justice [November 28, 2014]
"it is unlikely that any other office furnishings have had as great a social impact as the introduction of the office cubicle in the 1960s" [November 19, 2014]
there is no such thing as innocent information [November 11, 2014]
yesterday never existed [November 11, 2014]
these are the new dark ages [November 6, 2014]
the sun doesn't care what time they try to tell us it is [November 4, 2014]
it's too bad the world just can't get along [November, 1, 2014]
facebook makes me hate the world [October 31, 2014]
never trust someone who reinvents themself [October 26, 2014]
i'm tired of thinking about that [October 21, 2014]
fuck all those cops [October 18, 2014]
capitalism is such bullshit [October 18, 2014]
i got no time for bullshit [October 13, 2014]
people are at their worst at airport baggage carousels [October 13, 2014]
i'll never be able to spell beuracracy [October, 6, 2014]
traveling through airports reminds you of how dumb everything really is [October 6, 2014]
everything is political [September 23, 2014]
i always forget to remeber that [September 16, 2014]
i'm rolling my eyes on the inside [September 16, 2014]
a lack of sleep might shrink your brain [September 16, 2014]
I'm no good at playing games [September 16, 2014]
fuck symbolism [September 12, 2014]
don't ever go to whole foods in the suburbs [September 9, 2014]
'Delete' Doesn't Mean Delete [September 8, 2014]
i'll remember that when i'm dead [September 6, 2014]
don't listen to cheney on iraq [September 5, 2014]
I'm Fucking Terrible at the Future [September 3, 2014]
The End of Cubicles [September 2, 2014]