Dream (Stadium LRT Station, Edmonton)
Public Art Project commissioned by the Edmonton Arts Council
[Concrete, High Gloss Polyurethane Paint, Steel Mesh]
Michelle Campos Castillo, Tiffany Shaw, Becca Taylor, Shawn Tse, Christina Battle, 2022
Dream is comprised of 14 individual structures varying in colour and size that come together to create a playful gathering space. The shapes are meant to flow into each other, inspired by the North Saskatchewan River, constellations, and prairie skies.
The work opposes the idea that Stadium is simply a place that people pass through on their way to work or a football game. Inspired by conversations with community members, the artwork creates a space that is welcoming to all – regardless of age, gender, body type, economic and social groupings. The artists wanted to invite the community to linger and gather.
For more, see the EAC’s Public Art Collection website.