as storms take shape in the distance…
mixed media, 2007
Combining works on paper, film and video, as storms take shape in the distance… investigates the changing natural environment by imagining momentswhen major storms strike.
Pulling from footage gathered by storm researchers and chasers, imagery is re-worked to consider the impacts of major weather patterns. The artworks re-create, collect and preserve existing ecological systems while imagining the impacts such events could have on the overall natural balance. Setting aside the effects of specific severe weather events which were an inspiration to the work, such as Hurricane Katrina (USA, 2005) and the South Asian Tsunami (Bandeh Aceh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka & others, 2004), as storms take shape in the distance… instead concentrates on the systems themselves and the precise moments when such storms hit. Reflecting on the global effects of natural disasters, the presented works seek to remind us how forceful the natural environment can be and how easily it can render us powerless.
List of Works
“storms to come” (“blizzard”; “earthquake”; “heatwave”; “hurricane”; “lightning”; “tornado”; “tsunami”; “windstorm”)
dimensions variable, 2007 – lithographic prints with dry transfer letters on paper
“monitoring the storm (24 seconds)”
photographs, 2007 – 24 black & white photographic prints on fibre based paper
“untitled storm 1”
dvd, 2007 – 16mm film loop, 2 minutes, sound
“preserved forest”
dimensions variable, 2007 – motion picture film emulsion, acetate, 24 glass bottles with corks, lichen, sound
“untitled storm 2”
dvd, 2007 – 16mm film loop, 9.30 minutes, sound